Our work
Our work enables Virginia Tech’s greatest and most ambitious goals to become realities.
Together, the Advancement Division serves the university community — from sharing Virginia Tech's ambitions, to making connections with new industry partners, to raising the funds for the Innovation Campus, no challenge is too large for us. Advancement plays a crucial role in supporting the university's loftiest ambitions.
We engage with our vast network of alumni and friends, we are building a strong, supportive community to empower progress toward Virginia Tech’s goals. We are building a culture of philanthropy. And as we work toward those milestones, we communicate our commitments, progress, and successes to the world—raising awareness, elevating our reputation, and instilling pride in our community.
Areas of Advancement
Advancement Services oversees the critical day-to-day operations of the Advancement Division, including human resources, records management, financial and budgeting services, information technology, gift processing, and maintaining the university’s donor and alumni database.
Annual Giving channels the power of Hokies coming together to support the university, its colleges, and its programs. The team works to increase gifts to the university, collaborating closely with colleges and units across campus.
Communications and Marketing is an integrated team that works with communicators across all university colleges and units to raise awareness about Virginia Tech's research, teaching, and outreach through words, videos, photographs, graphic design, websites, social media curation, outreach to local and national media, and more.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion works with senior leaders to drive change, leverage national industry connections, and lift the profile of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Advancement and beyond.
Donor Relations builds and nutures lasting relationships between Virginia Tech and those who support the institution with their wealth, wisdom, and work. This includes acknowledging contributions in a timely and appropriate manner and recognizing donors in meaningful ways.
The Engagement Team and the Virginia Tech Alumni Association work to bring Hokies together — including Virginia Tech’s alumni, current students, their families, and the local communities around Virginia Tech’s campuses. The goal is to strengthen Hokie Nation and ensure alumni remain engaged in the life of the university.
Innovation and Partnerships supports all aspects of corporate partnerships and is seated in the Advancement Division and Research and Innovation. It includes three centers:
- LINK: Center for Advancing Partners
- LICENSE: Center for Tech Commercialization
- LAUNCH: Center for New Ventures
The team offers a full continuum of services to the Virginia Tech community and industry to help partnerships grow and ensure the discoveries made deliver economic and human impact.
Principal Partnership collaborates with Innovation and Partnerships on the most transformative individual donor, corporate donor, and foundation donor giving. The team cultivates highly strategic partnerships with industry and executive leaders to establish ongoing, mutually reinforcing programs across cutting edge research, project-based learning, talent pipelines, and innovation. These strategic partners promote a culture of innovation and engagement across Virginia Tech’s campuses and support translation of technology for the global good.